vendredi 27 janvier 2017

Reverse engineering the Eken Android App: Part 1: the overview

So, I just got that awesome H8R.

After a couple tests to confirm everything was fine, I went to try the android "Ez iCam" app that would allow me to control the cam remotely.

Slight disappointment here, as the app was marked "Not compatible with your device" on all phones and tablets I tried it with.
Weird, especially since my phone is neither that old nor uncommon.

But that wouldn't be a problem.
I decided to reverse engineer the app to see what it was actually doing, so I can reimplement all its functions in my own python scripts or cli tools, so I could remotely operate my cam in any setup I'd see fit.

In this first post, I'll show you a basic overview of what I discovered, what the various communication blocs and protocols are,  and what it means for us, wishing to make our own/better tools to interact with the H8.